How Does a Conservatorship Work?

By Jedidiah McKeehan A legal term that you may have heard before is the term, “conservator,” or “conservatorship.”  What do these terms actually mean? So the term conservator, guardian, and power of attorney are terms that usually run in the same circles in that they...

What is an easement?

By Jedidiah McKeehan You may have heard of the legal term “easement” and may even know that it is a term related to property.  However, you may not know exactly what this term means. An easement is the ability and right to legally use and travel on someone else’s...

What Does It Mean to Be Pro Se?

By Jedidiah McKeehan The term, “pro se,” comes from Latin, translating to “for oneself” or “on behalf of themselves”, which means advocating on one’s own behalf before a court, rather than being represented by a lawyer. Tennessee law spells out that you absolutely do...

What Are Punitive Damages?

By Jedidiah McKeehan A term you may have heard of is punitive damages.  But what exactly are punitive damages?  Punitive damages are those damages that go beyond just compensating a Plaintiff for their injuries, but are designed to punish the Defendant for their...

Social Security Disability Basics

By Jedidiah McKeehan Social security is a system that our government has set up to pay individuals who retire a certain amount of money each month.  Social security is also designed to pay individuals a monthly amount if they become disabled and are unable to work....

What is eminent domain?

By Jedidiah McKeehan In the U.S., when you own property you have the right to use that property as you see fit. Obviously, there are some notable exceptions to this.  Cities and counties can enact codes that require you to mow your grass and keep your property clean. ...