by Jedidiah McKeehan | Nov 5, 2018 | Columnist, McKeehan
By Jedidiah McKeehan I know the question that has been burning in your mind. It’s like an itch that you have needed scratched for a long time. Well I am here to answer your question and scratch that itch. What is the question that has been gnawing in your...
by Jedidiah McKeehan | Oct 29, 2018 | Columnist, McKeehan
By Jedidiah McKeehan A power of attorney is a document executed by someone who desires to have individuals have the power to complete tasks for them while they are still alive. Someone who has a power of attorney for you, can access bank accounts, file tax...
by Jedidiah McKeehan | Oct 22, 2018 | Columnist, McKeehan
By Jedidiah McKeehan One of the most important and secretive relationships in the world is that of an attorney and their client. An attorney can almost never divulge what a client tells to them to anyone. Even though communications between an attorney and their...
by Jedidiah McKeehan | Oct 15, 2018 | Columnist, McKeehan
By Jedidiah McKeehan Every few months I get a phone call from someone I know telling me that they have gotten summoned for jury duty and asking me how they can get out of it. My answer is always the same: you should not try to avoid jury duty if at all possible. Here...
by Jedidiah McKeehan | Oct 8, 2018 | Columnist, McKeehan
By Jedidiah McKeehan At some point in your life you may have gotten a little too fast and loose with using your credit card and racked up bills that you could not afford to pay. Or perhaps you got a medical bill and have gotten behind on your payments. ...
by Jedidiah McKeehan | Sep 24, 2018 | Columnist, McKeehan
By Jedidiah McKeehan I seem to have a recurring conversation with clients who I have been hired to represent, particularly in family law matters. I tell them that whatever they say in person or on the phone, and whatever they text, email or post on Facebook, will most...