Why Do Bankers Get So Many Holidays?

By Jedidiah McKeehan If you ever hear people complain about other job professions that have great hours or get a lot of holidays, one of the jobs that comes up the most is bankers. Why do bankers get so many holidays anyway?  Well Tennessee Code Annotated section...

What does a city judge do?

By Jed McKeehan If you get involved in a legal proceeding your case will be set to be heard by some type of judge.  Your case could be before a small claims (general sessions) judge, a circuit judge, a chancellor, a criminal judge, a federal judge, an appellate judge,...

Is Legal Separation an Actual Thing?

By Jedidiah McKeehan Unfortunately, a phrase that we hear all too often in this day and age is that a married couple is, “separated.”  And you may have thought to yourself, “did they go to the courthouse and get some designation, or is this just what it is informally...

What Is Subrogation?

By Jedidiah McKeehan So, the word “subrogation” is probably a word that you have heard at some point in your life, but you may not be exactly sure what it means.  What does it mean, anyway? In the legal context, the word subrogation most often comes in to play in...

What Is a Court Order?

By Jedidiah McKeehan If you have ever been involved in a legal proceeding, you may have gone in front of a judge at some point and heard the judge “order” that one or both of the parties to the lawsuit do something.  Those things that a judge says are what is called...