Does Your Child’s Lemonade Stand Need a Permit?

Does Your Child’s Lemonade Stand Need a Permit? By Jedidiah McKeehan How many of us have this quaint image in our heads of the classic American neighborhood? People mowing their lawns, kids on their bicycles, cars being washed, and a lemonade stand being run by a...

The 182.5 – 80 Day Window

The 182.5 – 80 Day Window By Jedidiah McKeehan When I talk to people about divorces involving children or custody cases, one of the primary discussions we have is, “How much parenting time will the worse/less involved parent get with our children?” I give some version...

Your handshake agreement is worthless

Your handshake agreement is worthless By Jedidiah McKeehan Sometimes when I talk to individuals they will tell me, “We had a handshake agreement that XYZ would happen, but now they are saying that never happened!” When lawyers hear a story like this, the clients will...

Defining Incest

By Jed McKeehan Let’s talk about something uncomfortable. Yes, unfortunately, lawyers do have to discuss uncomfortable topics from time to time. The topic today is incest. The dictionary definition of incest is, “sexual relations between people classed as being too...