by design | Jan 8, 2024 | Columnist, McKeehan
If You Reconcile with Your Spouse, You Can Expunge the Divorce Filings By Jedidiah McKeehan When a divorce is filed in Tennessee, even if it is an agreed divorce, the divorce is not finalized and completed right away. Tennessee law requires a “cooling down” period to...
by design | Jan 2, 2024 | Columnist, McKeehan
Laws Regarding Jails and Prisons By Jedidiah McKeehan If you read through Tennessee law, there are same fairly interesting laws regarding jails and prisons that are still in place. Jail is generally the place where inmates are held who are awaiting trial or are...
by design | Dec 11, 2023 | Columnist, McKeehan
It is a Crime to Possess Brass Knuckles By Jedidiah McKeehan We have all seen the movie where the good guy is about to enter into an epic fist fight with the bad guy. As the two of them stare each other down, we watch the bad guy put on a set of brass knuckles so he...
by design | Dec 4, 2023 | Columnist, McKeehan
When the Cops Tell You It’s a ‘Civil Matter’ that Means They Are Not Going to Help You By Jedidiah McKeehan From time to time I have individuals call me and recount to me a story about trying to obtain their kids from their ex-spouse, or trying to have someone...
by design | Nov 28, 2023 | Columnist, McKeehan
Does Your Child’s Lemonade Stand Need a Permit? By Jedidiah McKeehan How many of us have this quaint image in our heads of the classic American neighborhood? People mowing their lawns, kids on their bicycles, cars being washed, and a lemonade stand being run by a...
by design | Nov 20, 2023 | Columnist, McKeehan
The 182.5 – 80 Day Window By Jedidiah McKeehan When I talk to people about divorces involving children or custody cases, one of the primary discussions we have is, “How much parenting time will the worse/less involved parent get with our children?” I give some version...