Do I have to sign a traffic citation?

By Jed McKeehan When you are pulled over for speeding or running a stop sign, or some other traffic violation, you will be told why you are being cited and you will be asked to sign the traffic citation as proof you understand the violations you have committed. But,...

Misdemeanor v. Felony Offenses

By Jedidiah McKeehan As complicated as the criminal justice may seem, there are really only three different levels of offenses: infractions, misdemeanors, and felonies. An infraction is something simple like a speeding ticket or a moving violation, where a police...

Liens: What They Are, What They Do

By Jedidiah McKeehan The Webster’s Dictionary definition of the word, “lien,” is: a legal claim that someone or something has on the property of another person until a debt has been paid back. Sometimes the dictionary doesn’t do a great job describing legal issues or...

Explaining Statute of Limitations

By Jedidiah McKeehan The statute of limitations is a law which states how long you have to bring a lawsuit against someone who has harmed you. Each state has a different time limit for different situations. Here are some statute of limitations commonly encountered in...