A sheet of Bounce

By Rosie Moore The Postal Service sent out a message to all letter carriers to put a sheet of Bounce in their uniform pockets to keep yellow-jackets away. Use them all the time when playing baseball and soccer. Use it when outside. It really works. The yellow jackets...

Odds and Ends

By Rosie Moore I am reading, “Go, Set a Watchman” by Harper Lee. That phrase can be found in the Bible,  the book of Isaiah, chapter 21, verse six. I think I’ll have to read “To Kill A Mockingbird” again to get the sense  of continuity that Ms. Harper is trying to...

Great advice for women

By Rosie Moore It’s a dangerous world out there ladies, so be careful! Here are a few tips for consideration which will help you to be safe: Did you know that your elbow is the strongest point on your body? If you are close enough to use it, do! If you are ever thrown...

Pictures in the sky

By Rosie Moore               I am learning how clouds form. What brought this curiosity on about clouds? I was thinking the other day how many cloudy days there have been in this year of 2015. It seems like a lot. I can’t really...

Who Are The Pennsylvania  Dutch?

By Rosie Moore William Penn, who founded Pennsylvania (which, by the way, means Penn’s Woods) was born in London, England in 1644. In his twenties he converted to the Quaker religion and was jailed several times for his resistance to the church of England. In 1681 he...

Things are not what they seem

By Rosie Moore There is nothing more picturesque than to see the white snow falling gently to the ground, making bushes, trees, barns, houses and all sorts of statuesque objects look like white figures in the scenery. This will continue for hours then, suddenly,...