The Winter of Our Discontent?

By Rosie Moore This is the last column I will write about the weather–I promise. Someone told me to move back up to Pennsylvania and take this snow with me–ha! ha! I wish I could, in a way, because I have children and grandchildren up there plus I have...

Happy Valentine’s Day

By Rosie Moore Valentine’s Day is only a few days away, when lovers show their love in various ways. Here are some quotes from people about that day. “Love is a symbol of eternity. It wipes out all sense of time, destroying all memory of a beginning and all fear of an...

A Fond Goodbye

By Rosie Moore “This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice in it.” Reverend Charles Michael Mills uttered these words nearly every Sunday to his congregation for many years. He recently retired as pastor of Fairmont Presbyterian church after a long pastorate of...

New movies, old themes

By Rosie Moore Here are the movies that won awards on the Golden Globe Awards show. Boyhood, Glory, The Theory of Everything, How to Train your Dragon 2, Birdman, Gone Girl, The Imitation Game, and Interstellar.  What in the world were these movies about? As I...

Rosie’s World: Good Luck Food

Well, here I am writing about food again. It came to my mind because of my tradition of eating pork and sauerkraut on New Year’s Day, which is a Pennsylvania tradition. Sauerkraut, directly translated “sour cabbage” has been fermented by various lactic acid bacteria,....

Firm Decisions

By Rosie Moore I missed my deadline for sending my last article for the year of 2014 so I will be extra meticulous about sending in my thoughts for the year 2015. In other words, I’m making resolutions, or firm decisions this year. I looked up the word resolve in my...