Favorite Stories of Christmas Past

By Rosie Moore “One dollar and eighty-seven cents. That was all. and sixty-six cents of it was in pennies.” So begins O’Henry’s short story, “The Gift of the Magi,” about a young couple and how they deal with the challenge of buying secret Christmas gifts for each...

Mincemeat Pie anyone?

By Rosie Moore I did not make mincemeat pie this Thanksgiving simply because only I and one or two other people like it and I end up throwing most of it away, which I hate to do. But I missed it and will consider baking one for Christmas. The origin of mincemeat pie...

Christmas Movies

By Rosie Moore There are very few people who do not watch the same movies year after year at the same season–Christmas time. Out of habit or simply for the love of these movies compels us to watch even though we  know most of them by heart. There are many of...

Give thanks for little things

By Rosie Moore Some of the things I’m thankful for may seem weird to a few of my readers but bear with me. Perhaps you may have a similar reason to be thankful. I am thankful for this  cool weather we are having. Now I know you Tennesseans say this is cold weather but...

Uses for Skin-So-Soft

By Rosie Moore My grandmother sold Avon Products when I was growing up so I can actually say I grew up with it. Back in her day the only products they sold were talcum powders, soaps   and a cologne called “Cotillion”.  Nowadays it’s like a department store, selling...

The Golden Month of October

By Rosie Moore October is the tenth month of the year in the  Julian and Gregorian calendars and has thirty-one days. It retained its name from the Latin word, octo, meaning eight, after January and February were inserted into the calendar that had been originally...