Do bad things really happen in threes?

By Rosie Moore Where did this belief come from anyway? Some claim that this notion has no scientific basis, especially pertaining to deaths. The tendency to hold on to the three connection is strong in many areas of life. Why? People naturally seek patterns. One...

A Special Moment in Time

By Ralphine Major The image warms my heart—a toddler interacting with a 96-year-old man.  The WWII veteran’s face almost becomes a silhouette as his hat shields him from the summer sun.  He is showing the little boy how to use the bubble gun...

Rosie’s World: No tv!

Two days without TV and I survived!! Let me start out by saying I decided to “bundle” up my phone, internet, and TV services. I had my phone and internet with one server and my TV with another server. I learned that it would be cheaper to have all three by one server....

Super Life, Super Health

By Rosie Moore “Arthritis acting up? Dig in to a seafood dinner several times a week and keep those joints moving. In a recent study, people with rheumatoid arthritis who took 3 to 6 grams of an omega-3 supplement reported a fewer number of tender joints and a shorter...


SOME SUNDRY  THOUGHTS   “Blow me a kiss from across the room. Say I look nice when I’m not. Touch my hair as you pass my chair, Little things mean a lot. Give me your arm as we cross the street Call me at six on the dot. A line a day when you’re far away, Little...

The Good Shepherd

By Rosie Moore During my 46 years living in Pennsylvania, I once lived in a house across the road from a huge Amish farm. One of my favorite pastimes was gazing out my front living room window and watching the Amish sheep graze on the pastures surrounding that farm....