April Rain

By Rosie Moore The wild sweet rain of April spills On golden-throated daffodils On garden walls and new green bough On earth fresh-turned before the plough. It scrubs the pansy’s small shy face And shines each blade of grass in place to leave the springtime world...

I hate DST!

By Rosie Moore No- not DDT, the bug killer, but DST, the time killer. Why do the “powers that be” have to mess with our time? Now I’ve read that they want to instigate DST all year. Oh, no! Way back in 1895 Mr. George Vernon Hudson, lay in his bed one night and...

Let’s celebrate with the Irish!

By Rosie Moore Bring out the crock pot, chop up a head of cabbage, add a few potatoes and a can of corned beef and, voila! You’re ready to celebrate Ireland’s yearly cultural event. This recipe is easy to make, but there are a lot more complicated recipes. How did...

Les Miserables

By Rosie Moore I wrote a column two weeks ago titled “I Dreamed a Dream” and I almost gave this article the same name, simply because the title came from that famous movie, “Les Miserables.” It was brought to my attention because quite a few of the ice skaters at the...

Supreme Ultimate

By Rosie Moore Tai Chi means Supreme Ultimate in the Chinese language. I thought I would be taking Tai Chi lessons a while back but little inconveniences kept getting in the way. The first week — bad weather, the second week–a bad cold, third week, my...

I Dreamed a Dream

By Rosie Moore Are you watching the Olympics? I hope so. Those fabulous, sometimes nerve-wracking, yet thrilling games between the most athletic young people in the world–and some not so young are awe-inspiring. Let’s talk about the ice skaters.  While some of...