Why aren’t comics funny any more?

By Rosie Moore When I was eight years old a classmate of mine talked me into going to Woolworth’s 5 & 10 cent store “just to look around.” We came to the comic book section and she quickly stuck a thick book in a purse she had. Then she told me to get one too. I...

A simple pineapple

By Rosie Moore The pineapple is a member of the bromeliad family. It is extremely rare that bromeliads produce edible fruit. The pineapple is the only available edible bromeliad today. It is a multiple fruit, one pineapple is actually made up of dozens of  individual...

Remembering Great-Aunt Sophie’s Clothesline

By Rosie Moore When I was a young girl I spent a lot of summers with my great-aunt Sophie, who lived a few miles outside of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. She was a diminutive lady of German ancestry with long, white hair braided around her head, sparkling blue eyes and a...

That ‘Green’ Thing

“Checking out at the store, the young clerk suggested to the older woman that she should bring her own shopping bags as Plastic bags weren’t good for the environment. The woman apologized and explained, “We didn’t have the ‘green’ thing back in my earlier days.” The...

I’m back

By Rosie Moore If you are a movie buff (like I am) you probably saw the movie “Baby Boom.” Diane Keaton is fired from a high-paying job because she acquired a “nanny” job accidently. She moves to New England and starts her own business that becomes so successful her...


By Rosie Moore Max Jukes lived in the state of New York. He was not a Christian and did not believe in any sort of Christian training. His was the life of a reprobate. The girl he married was of the same opinion and had the same sort of questionable character. These...