Remembering Mom’s Clothesline

Here’s a memory for any of you old enough to remember: We had rooster in the chicken yard where the clothesline was. Mom would carry a stick with her because he would try to peck or spur her when she went out for the laundry. He made a delicious Sunday dinner....


By Rosie Moore I don’t care what Phil Punxatawny says. Warm weather is not that far away, so let’s get geared up and try out some recipes.     GRILLED PEARS Fun factoid: in the 1800’s, one pear could cost you the modern-day equivalent of...

That Scrabble Game

By Rosie Moore When I was a young girl we played board games such as Candyland, Monopoly and Chinese checkers. Then I got married and didn’t have much time for games until the children were old enough to play. After they got married a good friend of mine and I...