Not enough road

Not enough road By Joe Rector A few weeks ago, I wrote about the progress of the new Schaad Road. I also wrote about the traffic that had been routed through our subdivision and onto back roads. Here’s an update on that story. Most motorists have been driving...

Regional History 101 for newcomers

Regional History 101 for newcomers More Than A Day Away By Mike Steely If you are new to our area and a bit confused or puzzled by some of our places, names, or roads here are a few things you might like to know. Tazewell Pike doesn’t lead to Tazewell; it leads to...


Contrasts I don’t make jokes. I just watch the government and report the facts. Humorist Will Rogers By Dr. Jim Ferguson If you ever wondered why our country is such a mess, just consider the recent “catfight” in the House of Representatives between AOC, MTG and...

Time heals all wounds

Time heals all wounds By Tom Mattingly Most football fans can look back and remember the “hot button” issues that have dominated media coverage over the years. These issues are part of the discussion that takes place whenever fans gather. There seems to be no...

Publisher’s Positions

Publisher’s Positions By Steve Hunley Hypocrisy on Hate? As the prosecution for violent crimes lessened and the sentences of those who committed them became less, a drive to classify “hate crimes” and increase the penalties became popular. The very definition of hate...