Bye to Kellie Harper– Is UT sexist?

By Dr. Harold A. Black I am not a women’s basketball fan and thus have not paid much attention to all the adoration for Caitlin Clark. When I was on the faculty at the University of Tennessee, I went to very few of the Lady Vols...

Sports indifference is the healthier choice

Sports indifference is the healthier choice By Mark Nagi I wasn’t going to write an article this week.  I’ve been busy with work and family, and frankly, I didn’t know if I had the mental bandwidth to type out a few hundred words. But then I got back to the palatial...

Why, Tell me, Why?

Why, Tell me, Why? By Tom Mattingly This is the stuff of which orange-colored memories are made. Late in the first half in the 1991 Notre Dame game, the Fighting Irish led 31-7 and were trying a field goal to extend the lead. Things looked bleak for the Vols. Remember...


Apps By Dr. Jim Ferguson Rush Limbaugh once said, “Liberals are always liberals first.” What I think he meant was that certain principles are preeminent in each of us.  I’ll use myself as an example. I am a Christian first and Becky’s husband. And because I do not...