Time Spent at Chapman Drug

(Part 7 in series on Dwight Kessel) By Ralphine Major Dwight Kessel’s father-in-law, Dr. Edgar L. Grubb, bought Chapman Drug Company from the estate of Col. David Chapman in 1946.  (Col. Chapman was in the forefront of establishing the Great Smoky Mountain National...

Bob Griffitts – American Hero

By John J. Duncan Jr. My long-time chief of staff, Bob Griffitts, is to me a true hero. He is such a humble man that I am sure he would be embarrassed for anyone to say that to him. During his 30 years working on my Congressional staff, he helped thousands of people...

Doc Julian

  By Tom Mattibgly Three significant hires in the early 1960s had a profound impact on the University of Tennessee athletic program and its history. Dr. W. J. Julian, known best as “Doc” or “Doc Julian,’’ and Haywood Harris came on board in 1961, as director of...