Republican comeback

By John J. Duncan Jr. As almost all Focus readers know, I grew up in a political family.  I have been involved in politics since I was a small boy. After all these years, about the only certain thing I can tell you is that the pendulum swings. Sometimes it swings for...

Joe Biden is the Pinocchio of our Time

By Dr. Harold A. Black President Biden is preaching unity out of one side of his mouth while out of the other side he and his party are driving wedges between the democrats and the Americans who did not vote for him. If Biden were Pinocchio, his...


For in him we live and move and have our being. Acts 17:28 Our days might come to 70 years, or 80 if our strength endures… Psalm 90:10 By Dr. Jim Ferguson I didn’t know the term influencer until the last year or so. Perhaps this is because I am largely absent from...

Something good out of the bad

By Joe Rector COVID-19 has just about worn all of us out. We aren’t used to being confined for such long periods of time. Many people haven’t been out except to the grocery store for a year. Yes, some have developed rather snippy, hateful dispositions, but although...

The Basketball World is Still Backing Pat

By Ralphine Major It is always heartening to see.  An entire week in women’s basketball is designated for teams to wear tee shirts with their team colors.  Every shirt bears the same message: “We Back Pat.”  The carefully chosen words reference the...

A number of memorable occurrences

By Tom Mattingly There was always a special feeling to working in the William B. Stokely Athletics Center with Haywood Harris and Bud Ford. Many, if not most, of us who worked there had walked the rolling hills of campus, had sat in the classrooms, and had a personal...