by design | Feb 15, 2021 | Columnist, Major
By Ralphine Major It was a long night on that Palm Sunday, April 1, 2007. Our mother suffered a heart attack after experiencing nausea and cold sweats. My brother and I sat in the waiting room for hours while the doctors put stents in to open the...
by John Duncan | Feb 15, 2021 | Columnist, Duncan
By John J. Duncan Jr. Sen. Joseph McCarthy died in 1957, but the term associated with his name – McCarthyism – has lived on. Since the 1950s, this term has generally been used by those on the left to mean an untrue or greatly exaggerated charge of communism or...
by Steve Hunley | Feb 14, 2021 | Columnist, Hunley, Stories In This Week's Focus:
By Steve Hunley This Little Piggy… Cliff Rodgers, former administrator of elections for Knox County, has underwhelmed anyone who happened to see the hardly earth shattering news he has left the Republican party. Rodgers is an attorney, but as far as I know, never...
by Ray Hill | Feb 14, 2021 | Columnist, Hill, Ray Hill's Archives, Stories In This Week's Focus:
By Ray Hill The late Howard H. Baker Jr., the first Republican ever to be popularly elected to the United States Senate from Tennessee, has a great claim to being labeled “Mr. Republican” for the modern era. Yet Brazilla Carroll Reece of Johnson City may have a...
by Tom Mattingly | Feb 14, 2021 | Columnist, Mattingly, Stories In This Week's Focus:
By Tom Mattingly If you hang around University of Tennessee athletics long enough, there are a number of questions and events that help make life entertaining. Here are some examples. Is it NEE-land or NAY-land? More than a few years ago, someone called and...
by Jim Ferguson | Feb 8, 2021 | Columnist, Ferguson
“The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” Franklin Delano Roosevelt By Dr. Jim Ferguson “Was FDR correct?” I guess I’m getting older because the number one question among my peers is, “Did you get it?” No, not the “stimulus check,” the Covid vaccine! Since I...