Visiting the Whales in Chattanooga

Visiting the Whales in Chattanooga A Day Away By Mike Steely You’d never think about visiting whales within a two-hour drive from Knoxville but if you are into the world’s largest mammal or you simply like 3-D movies, you might think of Chattanooga and the Tennessee...

The Better Parts of School

The Better Parts of School By Joe Rector I am lucky to have grown up when I did. A member of the Baby Boomer generation, I spent my youth worry-free. The most important things involved having fun and just being a boy in the country community of Ball Camp. Even school,...


And the Lord God formed a man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and he became a living soul. Genesis 2:7 By Dr. Jim Ferguson It finally looks like winter is done, March Madness is over, the eclipse hoopla has subsided and...

Happy Tax Day

Happy Tax Day By Dr. Harold A. Black   I have long advocated for no mandatory withholding. Withholding should be optional. If people opted to pay all their federal income taxes on April 15 there would be a lot more pressure...

A Beautiful Wedding And A Wonderful Concert

A Beautiful Wedding And A Wonderful Concert By John J. Duncan Jr. Weekend before last, Vickie and I had the privilege to attend a beautiful wedding on Friday night and a wonderful Knoxville Symphony Orchestra concert on Saturday night. I have had...

Publisher’s Positions

Publisher’s Positions By Steve Hunley Kennedy Grills Mayorkas Senator John Kennedy of Louisiana last week faced Home Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.  Kennedy said to Mayorkas’ face what most everybody has known; that the Biden administration has left the border...