The Darkest Hours

By Dr. Jim Ferguson “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our...

What do you collect?

By Mike Steely For more than 50 years my wife and I have been collecting things. As a reporter and an advertising representative we’ve moved around a lot, visited every state except Alaska, and we’ve collected mementos of places such as cups, photos, postcards and...

The Falling Leaves

By Joe Rector Last fall, the leaves cooperated by falling from the trees early. A dry, hot summer and strong winds combined to wither leaves and disperse them into other yards and the field behind my house. I know that folks didn’t appreciate that, but my work was cut...

What is an Annulment?

By Jedidiah McKeehan You may have heard of the legal term, annulment, as a way to end a marriage, but what does the term actually mean. An annulment differs from a divorce, in that a divorce is a proceeding to terminate a marriage, while an annulment is a proceeding...

Veterans, We Thank You!

By Ralphine Major 2020 brought us the coronavirus pandemic.  It brought a presidential election.  On November 11, it brings us Veterans’ Day—the national holiday set aside to honor those who serve or have served in the armed forces.  United States Army, United...

Loyalty to My Party

By John J. Duncan Jr. The day before the second presidential debate – the one in Nashville – I got a call from the White House.  The caller said his name was Brian Jack and that he was the political director at the White House. He said, “Of all the former members of...