
“There are only two industries that refer to their customers as “users”: illegal drugs and software.” Edward Tufte, Yale Professor Emeritus By Dr. Jim Ferguson Have you seen it? Though I am no fan of Netflix, their documentary The Social Dilemma must be watched,...

Local Wreaths Across America needs your donations

By Mike Steely We’re fortunate in Knox County to have three veteran cemeteries. On Saturday, December 19, all three hallowed burial grounds should be totally decorated with wreaths from the local “Wreaths Across America” but there’s a problem. Donations to purchase...

‘The ball doesn’t weigh that much’

By Tom Mattingly Reporters once asked Southern Cal head coach John McKay why he gave the ball to O. J. Simpson 25-30 times a game. His response: “He doesn’t belong to a union. Anyway, the ball doesn’t weigh that much.” The ball may not be heavy, as McKay noted, but...

Leaving Beckley, West Virginia

(Part 4 in series on Dwight Kessel) By Ralphine Major “I can’t remember a time when I wasn’t doing something to earn money,” the West Virginia native shared.  “Empty pop bottles were worth a penny apiece at the store and five of them would buy an...

Voting twice

By Joe Rector As of this writing, more than 40 million Americans have voted in the 2020 presidential election. Even with coronavirus cases hitting nearly 60,000 each day, folks are putting on their masks and heading to the polls. I tried to be safer this year by...