by Jedidiah McKeehan | Oct 26, 2020 | Columnist, McKeehan
By Jedidiah McKeehan At some point you may have gone to work somewhere and one contingency of the employer offering you a job is that you sign a non-compete agreement. A non-compete agreement usually contains language in it that states you are agreeing that if you...
by design | Oct 26, 2020 | Columnist, Duncan
By John J. Duncan Jr. I saw Jane Fonda on television saying “COVID was a gift to the Left.” Coronavirus should never have been used in a political, partisan way, but it certainly has been. The Democrats tried for about three years to bring Donald Trump down with the...
by Ray Hill | Oct 25, 2020 | Columnist, Hill, Ray Hill's Archives, Stories In This Week's Focus:
By Ray Hill Pat Sutton, congressman from Tennessee’s Seventh District, had been renominated over a strong opponent in the 1950 election and reelected that fall. Clearly ambitious, Sutton, like several other Tennessee politicians, was carefully watching Tennessee’s...
by design | Oct 19, 2020 | Columnist, Ferguson
“Liberals claim to want to give you a hearing to other points of view and are then shocked and offended when they discover there are other points of view.” William F. Buckley By Dr. Jim Ferguson I find myself confused in these troublesome times and worry about my...
by Joe Rector | Oct 19, 2020 | Columnist, Rector
By Joe Rector Yes, I admit that my profession for 30 years was spent teaching English to high school students. During that time in the classroom, I enjoyed the students and especially stressed writing and grammar. My strengths were grounded in those areas. I also...
by Ralphine Major | Oct 19, 2020 | Columnist, Major
(Part 3 in series on Dwight Kessel) By Ralphine Major Like many in his generation, Wallace Dwight Kessel faced hard times during his growing up years. “During the depression, a lot of people came up with ideas on how to make money. I remember wash board bands...