by Ray Hill | Jun 28, 2020 | Columnist, Hill, Ray Hill's Archives, Stories In This Week's Focus:
By Ray Hill July of 1966 was hot and humid in Tennessee that year. Two veteran campaigners, Governor Frank Clement and Senator Ross Bass, were stumping the state for the Democratic nomination for the United States Senate. Both campaigned at a furious pace. The...
by design | Jun 22, 2020 | Columnist, Ferguson
By Dr. Jim Ferguson You would have to be proverbially brain dead to be unaware of the state of affairs in America. Political animus, the COVID-19 pandemic, a damaged economy with destroyed livelihoods, the left’s hatred of the President and America, Chinese communism...
by Mike Steely | Jun 22, 2020 | Columnist, Steely
By Mike Steely One of the most rustic and wondrous areas within a couple of hours drive from Knoxville can be found at Pickett CCC Memorial State Park. The CCC stands for the Civilian Conservation Corps which worked to create the park, as the Depression Era federal...
by Jedidiah McKeehan | Jun 22, 2020 | Columnist, McKeehan
By Jedidiah McKeehan Every single day, in courtrooms across America, criminal defendants are pleading guilty to crimes with which they have been charged and entering agreements to serve their sentences on probation. This is a good thing. If everyone who pleads guilty...
by Ralphine Major | Jun 22, 2020 | Columnist, Major
By Ralphine Major His list of accomplishments is absolutely amazing! A 40-year career at Robertshaw Fultons in Knoxville, Tennessee. In retirement, 12 years blacksmithing at the Museum of Appalachia in Norris, Tennessee, for his good friend, John Rice Irwin, founder...
by design | Jun 22, 2020 | Columnist, Moore
By Rosie Moore In the book of Luke in the Bible, there a short story about a short man. His name was Zacchaeus, who was identified as a wealthy tax collector. Jews often viewed tax collectors as traitors for working for the Roman government collecting taxes...