Publisher’s Positions

Publisher’s Positions By Steve Hunley Well Done, Mike McMillan Nobody would have been more pleased than Mike McMillan by the send-off he received from friends.  McMillan passed away after a long battle with cancer on January 26.  Congressman Tim Burchett spoke at Mike...

Cable news isn’t news

Cable news isn’t news By Joe Rector I’ve always liked the news on television. My generation was lucky enough to have anchors such as Huntley and Brinkley, Frank Reynolds, and the GOAT, Walter Cronkite. Back then, we had a half-hour local news report, and then the...

‘Mr. D’

By Ralphine Major He was known as Tony D’Andrea, but students called him “Mr. D.”  In the early sixties, he became the band director at Gibbs, a small rural school in Corryton, Tennessee.  While D’Andrea taught band at the junior high and high school levels, he also...

The American Reformation

The American Reformation To go against conscience is neither right, nor safe. Martin Luther By Dr. Jim Ferguson In 1517, a Catholic priest by the name of Martin Luther pinned his recommendations for reform of the Catholic Church to the door of Wittenberg Cathedral in...

Super Bowl LVIII Preview

Super Bowl LVIII Preview By Mark Nagi The final football game of consequence of the season is set for this coming Sunday when the San Francisco 49ers face the Kansas City Chiefs in Super Bowl LVIII. Yes, I know the XFL/USFL merger brings us something called the UFL...