No more ‘elite’ universities

No more ‘elite’ universities   By Dr. Harold A. Black I don’t know who anointed certain universities as “elite” but they are elite no more. Presumably, those universities once had the highest standards for admissions...

Hope in a new year

Hope in a new year By Ralphine Major It was the start of a new calendar year and a new school semester. One of our teachers in our junior high school—now known as middle school—stood in front of the class with her grade book. She held it up for everyone to...

The Turn Around

The truth will set you free. Jesus Christ By Dr. Jim Ferguson It had been years since we were on an airplane. And I’ll admit I was a bit apprehensive after reading about crazies in the once friendly skies and weather issues because we had to fly through Chicago in...

Visiting Bays Mountain Park

Visiting Bays Mountain Park A Day Away by Mike Steely I’ll bet you have never visited Bays Mountain Park in Kingsport. My wife and I took a cold Sunday afternoon drive there since it’s probably been 40 or more years since our last venture there. Bays Mountain is a...