The World Series Was Much Bigger In The 50s And 60s

By John J. Duncan Jr. It is almost time for the World Series. When I was a boy and young man, the Series was by far the biggest sports event of the year. Nothing else was even close. The first Super Bowl, which Green Bay won by a score of 35 to...

Irreconcilable differences?

By Dr. Harold A. Black Before the Civil War, this country was referenced as a plurality as in “the United States are.” Afterward, it became singular: “the United States is.” Now it may be appropriate to once again refer to the...

Defining Incest

By Jed McKeehan Let’s talk about something uncomfortable. Yes, unfortunately, lawyers do have to discuss uncomfortable topics from time to time. The topic today is incest. The dictionary definition of incest is, “sexual relations between people classed as being too...

Hostage In My Home

Each week, my readers turn to section B of the Focus to read my stories. But this week you will find a surprise. My best friend, wife and editor tells her story, which first appeared in Newsweek, on January 15, 1990. Becky’s story is even more relevant today. ...

Horses, Gifts to Mankind

By Ralphine Major The photo was taken years ago with my first camera, an inexpensive Kodak Instamatic. As we celebrated my brother’s birthday recently, it was fun to look back on that time period. In the photo, he was in one of his favorite places—in the saddle...

Time to cut costs

By Joe Rector Amy asked me what the benefits of having arthritis are. My answer was nothing on a personal level, but it kept the drug companies in business and rich as they develop new drugs. You know the ones about which I’m talking: the treatments that will help...