
Vaccinations By Joe Rector This year has already kicked the behinds of folks. The weather has been … wintry, complete with snow and endless rain. Around here, winter hasn’t been this rough in several years. We’ve also had to deal with some downright nasty...

Rule Breaker

Rule Breaker By Joe Rector Rules are hard things for some people. They have a tendency to rub them the wrong way. At the same time, something rebellious inside makes us want to test the limits to see how far they can be stretched. Most of the time, such actions lead...

Quieting the Scruffy Voice

Quieting the Scruffy Voice By Joe Rector I flipped through videos on YouTube the other day, and up pops Jimmy Buffet singing with Zac Brown and Mac McAnally. The trio did a fine rendition of “A Pirate at Forty,” one of my favorite songs of Jimmy’s. After shuffling...


Lonely By Joe Rector The human soul goes through a flood of emotions during this time on earth. They lead an individual to unmeasurable joy or insufferable sadness. Of all these emotions, perhaps none is as ravaging as loneliness. My life has been filled with love and...


Water By Joe Rector This past Sunday, our minister gave the second in a series on the book of John. She discussed the significance of water for Christians and the many things for which it is a symbol. Of course, baptism is the most obvious one. After church, I began...

I Have Car Fever

I Have Car Fever By Joe Rector Sickness is at hand. So many “bugs” and viruses are in the air that almost all of us will at some point succumb to the effects of them. Covid, no matter how many people deny its existence, still hits folks to varying degrees. I’ve had a...