Two Get-Togethers

Two Get-Togethers By Joe Rector With much sadness, I’ve begun reading the obituaries of former students. The one that hit hard recently was for Toby Hyke. He was a student of mine and played on the football team of which I was an assistant coach. Toby had orange hair...

Twin Delight

Twin Delight By Joe Rector Church, like all things, can sometimes be a bit boring. That’s when folks can be seen nodding off or fidgeting in their seats. With that said, I must say the Beaver Ridge United Methodist Church is as lively as any place come Sunday morning....


Daydreams By Joe Rector One of my favorite songs from my teenage years is “What a Day for a Daydream” by the Loving Spoonful. It was mellow and light enough to bring a feeling of “all’s right with the world.” In opposition to that positive feeling, I remember teachers...

My Truth

My Truth By Joe Rector One of the benefits of getting older is that a person can more easily say what he thinks or feels. Most of us are too worried about what our comments might do to others or to our professional standing. Ah, the joys of retirement and age give us...

Hugs and cuddles

Hugs and cuddles By Joe Rector I looked over the other night, and our dog Sadie was asleep beside Amy. When I half-asleep walked into the bedroom, Sadie had managed to lie so close to my wife that the poor woman was hanging on for dear life. No doubt about it, Sadie...

A Wall Can Teach Us All

A Wall Can Teach Us All By Joe Rector I watched the State of the Union message. Senators and members of the House mingled for several minutes before the official proceedings began. The cameras showed what one might have thought was a meeting of good friends. However,...