Don’t relive diseases

Don’t relive diseases By Joe Rector It’s possible that I’ve covered some area of this subject before, but evidently, some readers in the USA didn’t see the column. So, I am duty-bound to restate my take on this subject. Some might agree with me while others might find...

Rector lips

Rector lips By Joe Rector One of the things I love about my wife Amy is that she is slow to anger. Perhaps that’s the reason we’ve been married for so long. The Good Lord knows I’ve done and said enough things over the years to make her pop a blood vessel. Unlike my...


Redbone By Joe Rector The first time I ever eyed Howard “Redbone” Cochran, he was walking across the main quad at Tennessee Tech. I’d seen football players before, but Redbone almost seemed freakish with his towering height and bulging muscles. His bright red hair...

Where to spend Christmas

Where to spend Christmas By Joe Rector The shopping is done, and before long, the traveling will start, at least for Amy and me. It’s another year where we “roll with the flow” to be able to see our children. Just like millions of Americans, we’ll be in a dither for...

How to enjoy New York City

How to enjoy New York City By Joe Rector It only took until now for me to finally reach New York City. I’ve said for years that I wanted to see the Rockefeller Center Christmas tree and the window decorations at Macy’s. I learned plenty from this first and last trip...

Grateful List

Grateful List By Joe Rector I watched a movie the other night, and although I have no idea what the title was, it made me start thinking. I’m the same way with books. Most of the time, I have no idea who wrote the novel or what the title is. If either a movie or a...