Better then or now?

Better then or now? By Joe Rector I’m sitting on the front porch and waiting for the storm to roll in. No guarantees are given, but the air has cooled, the skies are filling with a thick blanket of dark clouds, and the thunder is rumbling in the distance. I suppose...

His Way

By Joe Rector I’ve always been an Elvis fan. Even at the young age of 3, I loved his songs and performed them in front of an audience consisting of extended family members. Although I couldn’t understand many words because he growled and the audience made too much...

Bikes and cars aren’t equal

  By Joe Rector Every so often, a topic jumps out at me and demands my attention. Usually, the overall tone is a negative one, and this one will be no better. Yes, I’ll offend some people, and for that I am sorry, but that won’t change my mind. I half listened to...

The First Day of High School

By Joe Rector Last Monday was one of those days that knocks the wind out of my sails. Nothing terrible happened, unless my only grandchild’s starting high school is shocking to anyone who isn’t in our family. I didn’t talk to him last night because I figured Madden...

Two Chairs

By Joe Rector We recently sold our condominium in Gallatin. The timing seemed right: Madden is now a teenager, Lacey’s family is always busy with something, and the price of the extras was mounting. The sale was easy. We listed the place one day and sold it the next....

Everyday craftsmen

By Joe Rector My appreciation for craftsmen has grown lately. That’s because we’ve called on their services for several projects. Now, I’m not talking about those who paint or carve or sculpt. Instead, the craftsmen that have helped me are roofers, plumbers, and...