Patriotism over price gouging

By Joe Rector Times are rough for Americans. As soon as we stick our heads out after two-plus years of Covid, other things knock us sideways. Right now, inflation is choking our economy and causing a great deal of worry for people here and abroad. While I’m not so...

Kinfolk perform at the Bijou

By Joe Rector It had been a while since I’d ventured to the Bijou Theater, and Amy had never been there since we moved back to Knoxville from Cookeville in 1974. The other night, we made a go of it and attended a concert at the theater, and good Lord, it was a...

Living through changes

By Joe Rector Eight years ago, Amy and I sold one condo we had in Bellevue and followed our daughter’s family to Hendersonville. After looking for a place in which we could be comfortable, our realtor found a condo that was perfect except for the fact that it was in...

Discipline worked

By Joe Rector Do you remember when you cried after a punishment, usually a spanking, from your parents? You snotted and sniveled and sometimes squalled. Do you recall what your dad or mom said? I bet it was something along the lines of, “You stop that crying or I’ll...

Two Steves and a Joe

By Joe Rector While I mowed the upper lot of the yard, I looked across the road and saw a tractor at the neighbor’s house. Steering it was Steve Cox. We began first grade together, and both have lived within spitting distance of our boyhood...

A Talk with Tom

By Jo Rector Amy walked into my office door and told me not to mark any appointments on Tuesday. When I asked why she explained that a friend had arranged a meeting with Sheriff Tom Spangler. The idea sounded solid since we’d never met the man and wanted to find out...