by design | Feb 6, 2023 | Columnist, Rector
Still the one By Joe Rector The band called “last song,” and couples scooted to the center of the gym floor. Teenagers had spent the last couple of hours gyrating to some songs and then holding onto each other for slower selections. Everyone in the gym knew what the...
by design | Jan 30, 2023 | Columnist, Rector
By Joe Rector My car radio is tuned to the ’60s and ’70s channels. The morning drive-time show features the songs I love best, although most music from those years sparks a memory of some kind. The last couple of mornings, the tunes have reminded me of some of the...
by design | Jan 23, 2023 | Columnist, Rector
The Truest Thing I Know By Joe Rector The first one was a fictional novel about rivals turned friends who weave their lives in baseball. The second book was a confessional about the mistakes I made with my son during the years he played baseball. Unknown to...
by design | Jan 16, 2023 | Columnist, Rector
Fair and balanced By Joe Rector For those of us who are UT fans, nothing makes for a better New Year than having the Vols play in a bowl and beat the opponent soundly. That’s especially true when the other team’s coach belittled our players a couple of weeks...
by design | Jan 9, 2023 | Columnist, Rector
Don’t relive diseases By Joe Rector It’s possible that I’ve covered some area of this subject before, but evidently, some readers in the USA didn’t see the column. So, I am duty-bound to restate my take on this subject. Some might agree with me while others might find...
by design | Jan 3, 2023 | Columnist, Rector
Rector lips By Joe Rector One of the things I love about my wife Amy is that she is slow to anger. Perhaps that’s the reason we’ve been married for so long. The Good Lord knows I’ve done and said enough things over the years to make her pop a blood vessel. Unlike my...