Complaining about the weather

Complaining about the weather By Joe Rector The weather forecasters are warning folks in our area of “possible” dangerous conditions. In fact, they tell us that multiple winter storms are stacking up on the west coast and are heading, one after the other, for the east...

We are made for kindness

We are made for kindness By Joe Rector Amy and I made plans for travel to a special destination for our 50th anniversary. Those plans melted in tears with the unexpected passing of our son Dallas in September. Since that time, we’ve become the owner of a second...

It’s Resolution Time

It’s Resolution Time By Joe Rector Thousands of folks, perhaps even millions of them, will begin the year 2025 with pledges to change things in their lives. We have a way of trying to start each year with resolutions to better ourselves. Some people feel the stress of...

Maybe next year

Maybe next year By Joe Rector Christmas is barreling at us like a run-away eighteen- wheeler. I’m not sure how, but my shopping is completed. Of course, I only have to buy for Amy. She’s the one who runs herself ragged and fights the crowded stores as she searches for...

The Greatest Creation

The Greatest Creation By Joe Rector The human brain fascinates me. It is, by far, the best computer ever made. Some technological folks might cite at least a half dozen reasons that prove my statement incorrect. Changing their minds is impossible, so I’ll leave them...

I am not worthy

I am not worthy By Joe Rector On December 20, my mother would have celebrated her birthday. She’d have been 104 this year. Another event also falls on this date. On December 20, Amy and I will celebrate 50 years of marriage. I remember when we were first married I...