Sweet revenge

By Joe Rector Summer nearly burned us up a couple of weeks ago, but the rain arrived in the nick of time. The weather forecast for the coming week lets us know that summer isn’t finished with us yet. August brings the beginning of school, and children wear new clothes...

The first year away from home

By Joe Rector Caden Rector, like many young people, left for college the other day. He’s attending Western Carolina, where he signed to play baseball. Although he’s Jim’s grandson, the boy was on my mind, so I sent him a text message, wished him well, and told him to...

Are we patriotic enough?

  By Joe Rector Well, evidently, the more things change, the more they stay the same is a true statement. Our world seems to take one step forward and two steps backward. The US is having a bit of trouble gaining its footing in so many areas. Sometimes I wonder...

Official old age membership

By Joe Rector I’m officially declaring my entrance into the old age population. Yes, some of you will say my membership started several years ago, but only now am I willing to accept the fact. People now treat me like an old guy. They hold the door for me at stores....

Old pictures spark vivid memories

By Joe Rector Over the weekend, my nephew and his wife came to the house to spend some time and catch up. Steve is 65, and yes, it’s more than a bit unusual to have a nephew just a few years younger than I am. I looked through the old pictures that my parents had to...

Pulling into the Driveway at Home

By Joe Rector Most folks turn giddy when they are heading out for a vacation.  To be honest, I’ve never been a fan of them. I enjoyed them once we arrived, but something always seemed to happen to make those trips less than fun. Our family took only one vacation trip....