Voting twice

By Joe Rector As of this writing, more than 40 million Americans have voted in the 2020 presidential election. Even with coronavirus cases hitting nearly 60,000 each day, folks are putting on their masks and heading to the polls. I tried to be safer this year by...

Read banned books

By Joe Rector Yes, I admit that my profession for 30 years was spent teaching English to high school students. During that time in the classroom, I enjoyed the students and especially stressed writing and grammar. My strengths were grounded in those areas. I also...

Keeping busy

  By Joe Rector Being confined can begin to affect anyone after a while. This COVID-19 is infecting millions, killing thousands, and depressing an entire country. Cases are again on the rise, and before long, we might be back where we were during the worst of...

Puppies and children

By Joe Rector Lately, I’ve put a great deal of thought into puppies and small children. I’m not sure if this mental activity is the result of my advancing age or if I’m returning to my past youth. Still, who doesn’t like…puppies? Unfortunately, I know plenty of...

The Sounds of Sports

By Joe Rector Sports made a return to our lives not long ago. A collective sigh could almost be heard echoing from coast to coast. We Americans love our teams and crave seeing them on screens or in stadiums or on courts. This year’s edition of sports is unusual and...

Ignore the scare tactics and vote

By Joe Rector Turn on the news and listen to all the upheaval about the November 3rd election. Neither party seems comfortable with the possible outcomes of the presidential or senate races. Who’d have ever thought that a presidential election could scare a nation so...