He’s back and we’re glad

  By Joe Rector Our son Dallas moved back to Knoxville in September. He moved to Chattanooga to attend college and then began his career. After 15 years, he decided to make a change in jobs that led him back here. He’s been living with us until he can sell his...

Here to help

  By Joe Rector We’re already well into the new year, but some folks haven’t yet declared resolutions for the coming months. Sometimes these individuals work so hard that they fail to get around to setting new personal goals. Other people believe themselves to be...

Whole Lot of Changing Going On

By Joe Rector I’m sometimes awed by the differences that exist in this world compared to the one that existed just ten years ago. That’s how long ago it has been since I retired from teaching. I swore when I left that I would never return, another instance where I’ve...

Comcast Run Around

By Joe Rector Everyone is wary of monopolies. They set the rules by which we must play, and if we don’t like it, that’s tough. The larger the bite from the consumer pie a corporation takes, the less power customers have to combat poor service or outrageous pricing. I...

Lessons Learned

By Joe Rector The New Year is here. I have listened to talk show hosts spout their resolutions for the coming months. I’ve read plenty of the same thing on social media sites. Well, I’m not promising anything to myself. Instead, I’m going to follow the lead Reverend...

New Directions

By Joe Rector With the Christmas presents opened, decorations placed safely back in containers, and the chaos of the holiday in the rearview mirror, the time to look forward comes. No, this isn’t so much about making resolutions that will more than likely be dropped...