Actions and consequences

By Joe Rector Life decisions are often difficult ones for us humans to make. Unlike our dogs, who while away the days sleeping, sunning, playing, and eating, we must make choices. The tough part about making those choices is having to also accept and live with the...

Short on sympathy

By Joe Rector Sometimes, fits of honesty come over me, even though I try diligently to fight them off. It’s during those times that being truthful makes me see and admit my shortcomings. Upon reflection, I finally have to admit that my negatives are glaringly obvious....

Exhausting Lies

By Joe Rector The past weeks have been exhausting. No, working hasn’t been difficult; home is still the same, even with son Dallas and his dog Harvey staying with us for a while; the grass has slowed down so that I can keep up with it now. What’s just plain sucked all...

Dealing with customer service

By Joe Rector I was sitting in the waiting room of the hospital in Lenoir City as my wife had a stress test run. It’s not my favorite thing to do at 7:00 a.m. in the morning, but I’d never let my girlfriend drive herself to such an ordeal. What made the ordeal even...

I dare you

By Joe Rector Over the past couple of years, the partisanship and resulting animus between political sides has increased to a level that makes me wonder if our country will ever be all right. Politicians have managed to fracture the very fabric that makes American...

Goofy Love

By Joe Rector Ah, young love thrives in the halls of high schools around the country. I’ve seen so many couples in the hallways and common areas. Their actions aren’t much different from those of generations that preceded them. Back in the day, boys discovered females...