Busy Times

Busy Times By Joe Rector It’s a busy time of year for all of us. I used to have things that ate away at my time and kept me busy. These days, other people, organizations, and conditions demand my time, in addition to some standard occurrences. Some of my time is spent...

It’s time for a miracle

It’s time for a miracle By Joe Rector The minister talked about miracles today. Instead of staying with her as she explained, my mind wandered about what kind of miracles this world could use today. Several of them quickly came to mind, but only a few seemed most...

Bullies make life harder

Bullies make life harder By Joe Rector As has been stated in other pieces of mine, I was an ugly child. No, that doesn’t mean things are different now. A young boy with a burr haircut, buck teeth, a round belly, and popsicle-stick legs has little eye appeal. He is,...

Cast Iron Cooking

Cast Iron Cooking By Joe Rector It’s no surprise to folks that I love to eat. However, how picky I am about what I do consume might shock some. Whether the food was prepared by my mother or my wife, I never really considered the tools they used in preparations of...

Realistic Earnings

Realistic Earnings By Joe Rector Jim and I have worked since we were in the eighth grade. The first job was on a farm cutting weeds, moving rocks, and breaking ponies. Mr. Long paid us little for our work, and our parents paid more than we earned to doctors as they...

He never had a childhood

He never had a childhood By Joe Rector Our dad passed away in 1965. For the last 58 years, Jim and I have been without a father. No, we don’t whine about it, nor have we ever used it as an excuse for misbehavior or bad decisions. Still, that’s a long time ago, and I...