Outdoor Toys

By Joe Rector I “had” to buy a lawnmower the other week. Oh, it wasn’t because I didn’t have one already. In fact, two riding mowers are in the basement. My older brother and his wife bought the first one a year after my mother died; they did so that I could keep the...

Ridiculous Behavior

By Joe Rector Well, it appears that July 4th fireworks took on a new meaning in Lonsdale. Officers were attacked when they tried to stop individuals who thought firing the explosives at cars passing by would be more entertaining. According to reports, the fireworks...

RLS Relief

By Joe Rector For several years, I’ve been plagued by RLS—Restless Leg Syndrome. No, it’s not a disease, just like other conditions discussed in commercials aren’t diseases. Still, this thing is more than a bit troublesome. I constantly look for cures or aids for RLS...

Broken Shells

By Joe Rector One of the best things about the beach is hunting seashells. Over the years, I collected enough to make a table that weighs just slightly under a ton and a bedside lamp that is much lighter. Bags of the things are tucked away in cabinets and boxes both...

Mesmerized by the beach

Neither Out Far Nor In Deep   The people along the sand All turn and look one way. They turn their back on the land. They look at the sea all day.   As long as it takes to pass A ship keeps raising its hull; The wetter ground like glass Reflects a standing...

I know him

By Joe Rector Randy Boyd is running for governor in Tennessee. Over the past few weeks, Randy has traveled from one end of the state to the other. He seems to be intent on making contact with as many folks as possible so that they remember his name for election day. I...