
By Joe Rector I find it interesting how living things start at one point and manage take it to a grander level. It’s a fascinating aspect of all things. A flower starts as a seed or a bulb. Given the right kind of soil and nutrients, those beginnings grow and...

Birthday Boy Blues

By Joe Rector So, I recently celebrated my true entrance into senior citizen life. To me, 65 is the correct age for entering the group, even though AARP mails out membership cards to folks when they reach 50. At any rate, I am a bonafide “senior.” Does this mean I am...

A Minister’s Impact

By Joe Rector Although folks might find it difficult to believe, several favorite people throughout my life have been ministers. That’s especially surprising based on how I too often fall so short in living the kind of life that Christ and the bible promote. Still, I...

Leaking Brain

By Joe Rector Last night as I lay in bed, a topic for a new column came zooming into my head. Not only the topic but several points about it also appeared one after the other. I remember falling asleep with a contented feeling that my next writing would be all but...

It’s Here

By Joe Rector The assignment was to read poems and prose about Knoxville and summer. Before long, I realized that neither piece of literature would impress my two students for one’s family roots were buried in Florida and the other’s ran deep in the soil of New York....

Elementary School Smells

By Joe Rector Grandson Madden spent a few days with us not long ago. Having him around brought life to our otherwise mundane existence; even Sadie, our dog, was beside herself with excitement. What I noticed most of all about Madden is that little boy smell. It wasn’t...