Green Metal Chairs

By Joe Rector Last spring, Amy and I traveled to Cookeville to help sort through her aunt’s possessions. She suffers from Alzheimer’s and resides in an assisted living community. To pay for her stay there, the house had to be sold. Family came to...

Dream a Little Dream with Me

By Joe Rector When I was just a wee lad, I lay in bed at nights and dream. On some occasions, they were interrupted by warm streams that ran down my legs and soaked the sheets. No, I wasn’t dreaming of a bath or a swim in the ocean; I had not yet conquered the battle...

Kicked to the Curb

By Joe Rector Isn’t it wonderful to land that first full time job? The security that comes with a steady paycheck and affordable insurance is life-changing. We start off planning to be the best employees in the organization and want to stay with the company until...

If I knew then what I know now

By Joe Rector I like mowing the yard. Sitting on a riding lawnmower or pushing a mower or trimming with a weed eater is when I do some of my best thinking. I’ve solved some of my own problems and come up with answers to world dilemmas while cutting blades of grass....

Old teachers and technology

By Joe Rector The other day Joe Dooley and I substituted at Hardin Valley Academy. We sat on benches in the foyer, and before long, Rick Collett ambled up. The three of us spent many years together on the faculty at Karns High School. We looked like the old guys that...

Questioning the educational model

By Joe Rector Ah, the return to the classroom brings about both good and bad memories. It recalls some of the same questions I posed so many years ago. I hope I find answers to them before my time on this earth is done. First, I still wonder what is the reason for...