The land is not ours alone

By Joe Rector By the end of the summer, the new subdivision just up the road will be completed. Forty new houses line the streets. To my surprise, two separate tracks bordering the development have been scraped clean of topsoil, and work on phase 2 has begun. The...

Passing the torch

By Joe Rector I began a new job as a substitute teacher at the beginning of the school year. The first couple of days were rough as I reacquainted myself with teenaged students. I’d spent 30 years as a teacher but had been gone from the school setting and the...

Cooling Off

By Joe Rector Weather forecasters predict that temperatures will cool into the 80’s in the coming days. The summer of 2016 has been the hottest we’ve had in the last few years. Perhaps global warming is finally giving us a preview of what’s in store if our pollution...

Learning their places the hard way

By Joe Rector Teenagers are a funny bunch, and freshman are always the most comical. Over my lifetime, I’ve been one and have watched many classes of them during 30 years as a teacher. They arrive at high school “wet behind the ears” but act as if they are seasoned...

Working hard to please

By Joe Rector I’ve become a millennial! It happened without my knowing what was happening. My reason for saying this is that I’m changing part time jobs again. After almost a year at Toyota of Knoxville, my body is aching from the walking on concrete all day long. If...

Letting our voices and spirits rise

By Joe Rector One of the blessings of this life is singing. I’ve heard some folks say they can’t carry a tune in a bucket, but the fact is that the lack of ability rarely prevents any of us from belting out a tune. It’s “making a joyful noise unto the lord.” Most of...