Thumped by an eight year old

By Joe Rector I took my grandson Madden back home the other day. He’d come to our house during Memorial Day and stayed a while after his parents went back to Nashville and to work. Any time with the boy is pure gold, even if I’m weary by the time he leaves. During...

Congratulations and get ready

By Joe Rector Congratulations, graduates! You’ve reached milestones in your lives. Some of you have survived or even thrived in a high school setting, and now are ready to receive your diplomas and turn toward what lies ahead. Others have put in long, arduous hours...

What is next?

By Joe Rector Holy Cow! In about a week, my twin brother will turn 64. I can’t believe he’s that old. Jim hasn’t changed much over the years, and I hope he stays constant for many years to come. It is, however, a bit upsetting to realize that my brother is that old....

A Single Rosebud

by Joe Rector Mother’s Day has come and gone. I purposely didn’t write about it then because I needed time to think. Moms across the country celebrated with families either with visits or long distance phone calls, Facetime, or Skype. All of us agree that those women...

Follow the Rules

By Joe Rector Yes, I know that the world is filled with rules. We have plenty of guidelines that tell us what to do, how to do it, and when to do it. Many folks rebel when demands become too much or too harsh. I get that, but what I don’t understand is why so many...

Ah, Spring!

By Joe Rector Ah, the arrival of 80 degree temperatures and daylight arriving before 7 a.m. and departing after 8 p.m. signal the winding down of the school year and the arrival of the best season of the year. Even after all these years, this time brings the most...