
By Joe Rector Not too long ago, I read a Facebook post by Kim Morton. She was a student of mine back when I was young. She and her family are leaving the house her mother called home for 40 years. I’ll steal just a few words from her post to let you get a sense of how...

Foul weather and foul moods

By Joe Rector Here we are stuck in another winter. Punxsutawney Phil lied, although no human ought to put stock in anything a groundhog does or doesn’t do. I don’t understand why anyone would declare that winter is his or her favorite season. What I’ve noticed of late...

Toiling with tools

By Joe Rector I so much want to be one of those men who can build things. To be a craftsman who takes a piece of wood and creates a beautiful piece of furniture is a dream I’ve long held. The truth of the matter, however, is that I am less than capable when it comes...

False Promises

By Joe Rector I’ve listened to plenty of presidential campaign promises. The Republicans and Democrats assure the public that they’ll save us money, provide more benefits for us, and cut spending. The old saying never held more truth: “You know when a politician is...

Flat beer and soured milk

By Joe Rector I opened up the refrigerator door the other day, got a whiff of something foul, and slammed it shut. Sure, I should have completed a search for the offending item, but the truth is, I was afraid of losing my lunch by playing detective. The refrigerator...

The Music Fades

By Joe Rector Glenn Frey is dead! Say it isn’t so! Just like too many Baby Boomer musical heroes, Frey leaves us much too early. Music might make the biggest impression in the lives of every person. Losing artists makes us pause as we remember their music and the...