The Music Fades

By Joe Rector Glenn Frey is dead! Say it isn’t so! Just like too many Baby Boomer musical heroes, Frey leaves us much too early. Music might make the biggest impression in the lives of every person. Losing artists makes us pause as we remember their music and the...

Thin Skinned

By Joe Rector Weather during Christmas 2015 was wet, but the temperatures were warm, so much so that I wondered if we were actually someplace much closer to the Florida coast. However, winter showed its ugly teeth this past week and reminded us that it still has...

Losing our way

By Joe Rector The end of 2015 has come and gone; we’ve struck out on the new year, but I wonder just how much promise it holds. With just a bit of observation, some might say that this country has lost its way. That includes the country as a whole and the citizens as...

Meal Confusion

By Joe Rector What I’m about to discuss will bring about disagreement. I’m just hoping that none of my comments will upset or anger anyone. The problem is that I’m confused about meals. I never know which one I’m eating. Breakfast isn’t a problem. It is the first meal...

Newfangled Things

By Joe Rector I made a run to Costco the week before Christmas. My goal was to pick up a few things that Amy had on her list. I arrived before the place even opened, quick-stepped it through the entrance a few minutes later and arrived back at the car in about 10...

Christmas Offers Us Hope

By Joe Rector Well, it’s here. Little ones thought the time would never come; some adults wished it hadn’t. Either way, Christmas is upon us. The year has been a tough one for us, but in spite of the bad, something magical occurs when this time of year arrives. Our...