
By Joe Rector This world isn’t much like the one I grew up in. Oh, I know technology has made advancements that make our lives much easier. Folks now have much more time to pursue interests and hobbies. Those aren’t the things I’m talking about. What amazes me is the...


By Joe Rector Philosophical moment—Life is filled with questions. Maybe the meaning of life is to ask those questions and then spend the rest of our time on this planet working to find the answers. Most of us eventually discover the answers to questions, but some of...


By Joe Rector My grandson Madden came to Knoxville during the Memorial Day weekend. He pulled off his shirt on Friday evening, and his shoulders and arms were fiery. It was the boy’s first ever taste of sunburn. His parents have been good at slathering him up with sun...

Changing Times and Conditions

By Joe Rector Nature enjoy a good laugh. If you don’t believe it, look at a platypus: half beaver and half duck. It’s also true that “man plans and God laughs.” This life has a funny way of jerking around those of us who think we’re in charge of everything. Take age...

Honeysuckle Nectar

By Joe Rector The week brought warm weather; in fact, it was downright hot. Mother’s Day weekend found my family in the pool and cooling our heels and enjoying each other’s company. Anyone who was outside and who had a nose could smell the sweet scents of honeysuckle....

When the lights go out

By Joe Rector The lightning streaked across the sky, thunder roared, and in an instant, the power went out. It flickered a couple of times in feeble attempts to come back on, but not until sometime later in the night was the power restored to our house and community....