Driving Rules Review

By Joe Rector My job as a shuttler for Avis Budget has placed me in the midst of some of the heaviest traffic and worst drivers in the area. I don’t claim to be the best operator of a motor vehicle, but at least I have some concept of the rules of the road. With that...

I Wonder Why

By Joe Rector I drove with fellow workers from a run to Atlanta to drop off cars and then hopped into a van for the return trip. We gabbed about a variety of topics, but then someone uttered that famous line, “I wonder why…” That set me to mulling over some of the...

New Year, New Outlook

By Joe Rector It’s time to reflect upon the 2014. I do that instead of making resolutions, which, in my case, are nothing more than a list of good intentions that rarely are fulfilled. Instead, I reflect upon the past year and try to figure out what I’ve learned. For...

Singing in Christmas

By Joe Rector It’s that time of year again when folks are spread too thin. So many events pull at them—school programs, shopping, get-togethers, and parties. For many, Christmas pageants or performances by children are staples for a complete holiday season. I remember...

O Christmas Tree!

By Joe Rector The other evening, Amy sent me to her car to lug in the new Christmas tree for our home. The one we have now is so large that it takes two tree bags to store, and the darn thing weighs a ton, too much for me to wrestle in and out of the house. Just like...

Changing Perspective

By Joe Rector Over the last year, I’ve gone through some changes in life. No, all haven’t been welcome, but each has caused me to take a look at things in a different light. Overall, I suppose the new things have been for the best. Amy lost her job last year at the...