Fifty Years Later

Fifty Years Later By Joe Rector Amy attended her 50th high school graduation recently, and yes, I went with her. In the entire crowd, I might have known half a dozen people. That didn’t matter; my job was to be there, be nice, make small talk, and be supportive. It...

Not Tough Enough

Not Tough Enough By Joe Rector On the Friday before July 4th, my sweet wife fell and had a slight fracture of the bone that’s at the outside of the knee. To make it worse, she had skinned her knee and lower legs. Yep, she was quite miserable. We got her home after...

Sharing the Dark with Neighbors

Sharing the Dark with Neighbors By Joe Rector The tree man dug in the apparatuses on his feet and began climbing the dead pine tree. It stood at least 75 feet tall with long, brittle branches from mid-trunk to the top. He cut whole limbs and let them crash to the...

Ball Camp Elementary at a Different Time

Ball Camp Elementary at a Different Time By Joe Rector Someone the other day asked several questions about Ball Camp Elementary School. Several people responded with answers and new topics of discussion. I put my “two cents” in on one of the questions. I graduated...

My job is the best

My job is the best By Joe Rector I have the best part-time job. No, the pay isn’t that good, and for most people the hours are lousy. With that said, I still believe that I’m fortunate to have this job. My job is to mow the tee boxes at Knoxville Municipal Golf...

Different kind of summer

Different kind of summer By Joe Rector This summer has been different. I shouldn’t call it summer because so far, we haven’t had anything approaching a typical summer day. During this time of year, I’ve undertaken some major projects. The jury is out on how they will...