Divvying Up

By Joe Rector The other day a friend told me that her dad’s house was up for sale and that the hardest part of all was divvying up the contents between brothers and sisters (I refuse to use the word “sibling”). It’s a job that most of us never want to undertake, but...


By Joe Rector I know that most of us have few friends but many acquaintances. However, for the sake of argument and the development of this piece, I’m going to talk about “friends” in a larger context. It’s been my good fortune over the years to have come into contact...

A nice drive not to take

By Joe Rector The cool weather arrived this week, and before eyes blinked, leaves began coloring and skies turned “fall” blue. The time has arrived to think about taking those drives to places where the scenery is breath-taking and offers a welcome relief from work,...

Don’t whine over self-stupidity

By Joe Rector Oh my, folks have such little sense these days. They also seem to be looking for something over which they can throw a conniption fit. Many of these individuals remind me of whiny little children who throw fits when they suffer for the acts that they’ve...

Machine Dependence

By Joe Rector On MSNBC the other morning, Melissa Lee reported on the impact of machines and technology on our lives both now and in the future. In fact, CSNBC dedicated an entire hour on the subject. I know I’ll sound like an oldster who’s griping about the changes...

Canning and freezing

By Joe Rector Amy and I moved into our house in December 1978. This year, for the first time, I put out tomato plants. The funny thing is I’m not that much in love with them, but in the summer the produce does taste good. I’ve babied the plants and staked them and...