I Like My Job

By Joe Rector I’m around all makes and models of cars in my job. It’s fun to drive them without having to make a monthly payment or haggle with a salesperson. I’ve learned some surprising things about the rental car business during my nearly 3 month time at...

It Grows Sadder and Sadder

By Joe Rector The brouhaha over Knox County Schools just keeps going. The school is led by a superintendent who has minimal experience in the classroom and is a numbers guy who cares most about the bottom line. The board of education seems unable or unwilling to put...

Saturdays back then

By Joe Rector A couple of weeks ago, I visited a friend on Saturday morning. After a good visit, I hopped into my car and felt as if I’d just exited a time warp. It brought back some memories about the weekends that weren’t all that exciting. The woman met me at the...

Losing Loved Ones

By Joe Rector Some weeks are rougher than others. The bad ones take a toll on us both physically and emotionally. Sometimes it’s work that causes us ill; at other times, it’s money concerns that drive us into funks. For me, death has been at to root of my low mood....

Put the phone down

By Joe Rector During my travels up and down the Interstate highways in Knoxville and surrounding areas, I’ve noticed the electronic signs that the state has erected. Just the other day, the message read, “Don’t text and drive; it’s against the law!” I’m sure doing so...

Lessons for Grandparents

By Joe Rector My daughter Lacey and her family moved this week. After a few years in a wonderful little house in Bellevue, just outside Nashville, they bought a house in Hendersonville. It offers much more space so that they don’t trip over each other or struggle to...