Blind Obedience

By Joe Rector Believe it or not, Americans can be a rather nice people. Oh, we have our weaknesses and often display less than model behavior, but at the same time, we are quick to come to the aid of others or to perform acts of kindness. Our “good” sides are often...

Musical Chair Principals

By Joe Rector It’s hard to believe that July 4th marked the middle of summer for school kids. I still reel with the knowledge that schools open their doors the first part of August or the last of July in some places. What happened to the policy that school began the...

Something Above and Outside Ourselves

By Joe Rector I’ve tried to write this piece a couple of times but found it almost impossible. The key is to put it on paper without sounding preachy or religiously stilted. So, here goes another attempt. The main characters in books, TV, and...

Camping Nightmares

By Joe Rector I’d listened well, so when our anniversary arrived last December, I bought a tent, sleeping bags, tarps, and air mattresses for a new activity. Amy has this burning desire to camp and hike, things quite different from my preferences for sleeping in my...

Lessons in a 52 pickup truck

By Joe Rector It’s summer time, and one never comes around that I don’t remember the good and bad times I had during these months when I was younger. Twin brother Jim and I awoke to the morning air heavy with the perfume of honeysuckle, and we played hard all day....

Whose right is it

By Joe Rector I don’t know about any other Tennesseans, but I, for one, feel so much safer knowing that our state officials are taking care of us. If you don’t believe they are, just check out State Senator Frank Niceley’s “fatherly” leadership. Niceley’s proposal...