And your old men will dream dreams

By Joe Rector Last week was Pentecost Sunday. It’s that celebration for when the Holy Spirit descended upon the disciples and they spoke in the languages of all who were gathered. It’s also recognized as the birth of the church. During that time Peter addressed the...

Paying for College

By Joe Rector The news today reported student debt is closing in on $1 trillion, more than credit card debt which anemically trails at between $650-850 billion. ”Woe is us” seems to be the cry from the millions who have accrued debts for education. According to...

Do What?

By Joe Rector It’s a world where I’m losing ground. I consider myself technologically educated, or at least I did until recently. That’s when my ignorance became glaringly obvious, and I suddenly felt old and as out of date as a Kodak Instamatic camera. My iPod Touch...

World-famous author Wally Lamb speaks to VMC

By Joe Rector Best-selling author Wally Lamb did speak to an audience of 900 who attended the 2013 Carry the Torch Luncheon at the Knoxville Convention Center. It is sponsored by the Volunteer Ministry Center as a fundraiser for its programs. Lamb also mingled with a...

Longer school year not the answer

By Joe Rector The state of Tennessee has come up with another brilliant idea for improving schools and the education they provide. How? Why, the legislators have decreed that all students must be in school for 180 full days. Oh, the wisdom of our representatives is...

Finding inspiration

By Joe Rector Inspiration is defined as “the action or power of moving the intellect or emotions.” Most of us acknowledge its effects on our feelings, but we also recognize inspiration during those “AH HA” moments. What’s wonderful is inspiration can come from so many...